It is believed that the laws of kashrut transform food into an opportunity for spiritual enrichment. The most obvious idea behind kashrut is self control and discipline. It is said that Kashrut imposes certain restrictions on the type of food one can eat. The Torah injunction “Therefore take good heed of yourselves,” (Devarim 4:15) prioritises both our physical and spiritual well being. Jews, who observe these dietary laws (kashrut), must make regular decisions about what they eat, when they eat it and how they prepare their food.
It is said that the dietary laws force us to stop and think about daily activities and deter us from going through life in autopilot. There are many rules, which govern kosher food. For example:
1) An animal must have split hooves and chew the cud to be said to be kosher (these laws are given in the book of Vayikra (Leviticus)).
2) A sea creature is only considered to be kosher if it has fins and scales. So most species of fish are kosher (tuna, salmon, etc.). Any food product of a non-kosher animal is also said to be non-kosher.
3) It has been said that meat and milk cannot be consumed together.
The prohibition against meat and milk is said to remind us where our food comes from. The meat is from a dead animal, the milk from a living animal. These are foods that have their origin in living creatures and keeping them separate reportedly makes us aware of their source. Also there is a pasuk in the parshah of ‘Mishpatim’ in the book of Shemot which says how one should not cook meat and milk together.
The kosher laws are also felt to be designed to encourage us to view ourselves with dignity and to act with dignity. It is considered that the discipline that we use in choosing the food we eat also has an impact on how we lead our lives and how we treat ourselves and the people around us.
In addition, kashrut is thought to have health benefits. This is because the laws also require all blood to be drained from an animal before it can be cooked; this is done by salting it. It is thought that, as kosher meat contains no blood, it may help prevent the spread of diseases.
Food that is not kosher is commonly referred to as treif (lit. torn, from the commandment not to eat animals that have been torn by other animals).
Avodah Zara 29b (87.11,
Avodah Zara 33B (93.1, 99.7,
Avodah zara 38b (103.4, 113.4, 113.14,
AVODAH ZARA 39A (96.1,
Avodah Zara 66A (98.2, 108.4,
Avodah Zara 67 (98.2, 103.1, 103.3, 103.4,
Avodah Zara 68b (104.1,
Avodah Zara 73b (98.2, 99.6,
Avodah Zara 75b (103.5, 120.1,
Avodah Zara 76A (93,
Bava Kamma 114b (69:10,
BAVA METZIA 40B (93.1,
Beitza 3b (102.1, 110.1, 110.8, 110.9,
Beitza 4b (99.6, 111.5,
Beitza 39a (102.1,
BEITZA 7a (87.5,
Chullin 14a (Melicha intro tosfot, 76.1,
CHULLIN 31b (77,
CHULLIN 33a (69.7 tosfot,
Chullin 91a (113.14
Chullin 96b ( 101.1, 105.4,
CHULLIN 97 (90.1, 98.1, 98.3, 99.4, 105.1, 105.9, 106.1,
Chullin 98b (98.2, 99.1,
Chullin 99b (109.1,
CHULLIN 100 (92.4, 98.2, 101.1, 109.1,
CHULLIN 103 (88.1,
CHULLIN 104 (88.1, 89.1,
CHULLIN 105 (89.1, 89.3,
CHULLIN 107B (88.2, 91.1,
CHULLIN 108B (92.1, 92.2, 92.3,
CHULLIN 109 (Melicha intro, 72.1, 72.4, 90.1, 98.2,
CHULLIN 110B (72.4,
CHULLIN 111 (69:17, 72.4, 90.3, 95.1, 95.3, 96.1
CHULLIN 112 (69:20, 70.2, 70.3, 76.5, 91.5, 91.7, 95.3, 96.1,
CHULLIN 113(Siman 69, 69.4, 69.7, 75, 87.3,
CHULLIN 114a (87.6,
CHULLIN 116 (87.3, 87.9, 87.11,
CHULLIN 133a (76.1,
Gittin 54b (99.5,
HORAIT 13b (72.1,
KERITOT 20b (Melicha intro,
Keritut 21 (Melicha intro, 87.3,
Keritut 22 (Melicha intro, 72.1,
Ketubot 9a (110.9,
Ketubot 15a (110.3,
KETUTBOT 60A (Melicha intro,
MENACHOT 21a (Melicha intro, Siman 69:4,
Menachot 22a (98.2,
Nedarim 52a (102.1,
Pesachim 9b (110.6, 111.1,
Pesachim 10a (111.5,
PESACHIM 36A (97.1,
Pesachim 44b (98.2, 105.1,
PESACHIM 74b (72.1, 77, 78, 94.1,
PESACHIM 75 (91.4
PESACHIM 76 (91.4, 108.1,
SHABBAT 40 (92.9, 105.2,
SHABBAT 42b (69.9,
SUCCAH 31b (87.1,
TEMURAH 33b (87.1,
Yevamot 82b (111.1,
YEVAMOT 120a (69:12,
Zevachim 60b (110.6,
Zevachim 73b (110.6,
Zevachim 74a (110.7, 110.8,
Zevachim 78a (98.9,
ZEVACHIM 96B (92.5,